To serve you better, we've assembled a list of our residents' most frequently asked questions. If you don't find your answer here, feel free to contact us.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to get a library card?
Our librarian will be able to supply you with a new library card the same day you apply.
Are electronic books available?
No, not at this time.
Does the Library have "story time" for younger children?
We do offer "story time" for younger children! Give us a call if the current schedule is not posted.
Village Office
What hours is the village office open?
City Hall is open from 7am - 1pm Monday thru Friday.
Who do I call for emergency water leaks
Aaron Brocksiek - 217-430-7012 or Bill Wilson 217-430-7011
May I burn trash and leaves inside the city limits?
No, not at the current time due to dry conditions in our county. Please contact city hall if you have any questions.
Application Process
I am interested in applying for a job with the Village of Clayton, what do I do?
You will need to fill out an application if available. Please ensure you meet the qualifications for the position you wish to be considered for. If you would like to include a resume, simply attach it to the completed application. You may mail, email or drop off the application at the village office. Interviews will be scheduled accordingly.
Does the Village of Clayton hire part time employees?
Yes, we do hire part time employees. Availability of these positions will be posted here when available.
Permit Information & Applications
What is the process for getting a building permit?
The Public Works Committee and Zoning Chairman on our Board is in charge of our zoning and building, culvert, fence, and solar permits. They will strive to assist you with your construction project in an efficient and accountable manner. The process for obtaining a permit goes like this: fill out the application and submit to the village office with fee (if applicable), Niccie will get the application to our Zoning Chairman, who will do the inspection for the requested project. He will then present the application to our Board of Trustees at our next monthly board meeting with his recomendation to approve or deny. The board will then vote on it and applicant will be notified of the results.
Sanitation & Recycling
When are the garbage collection days for my street?
Please refer to the monthly schedule. Remember, observed holidays will alter the normal routine.
Water Utilities
How could I have used this much water?
You may not have - the numbers on your meter may have been transposed or hard to read. You could possibly have a leaky toilet or faucet that's difficult to detect. Just call the office and we'll work with you to solve the problem.
My bill is past due can I get an extension?
Please contact our office and a one-time extension will be extended to you for extenuating circumstances.
What do I do if I am experiencing low pressure?
Check your meter and the surrounding area for possible leaks. Next, call our office and report low pressure for your area.
Why do I have a previous balance when I know I sent in my payment?
We may have received it after the due date or we may not have received it at all. Call our office and we will help you solve the problem.
Why is my water discolored?
A repair could have been completed recently allowing air to enter the line, causing the milky look.
New Resident Resources
How do I sign up to receive Alerts and News & Notices?
Simply click the "Sign Up for Alerts" button located ……fill out the brief form with your preferred contact information and click submit
Where do I go to vote?
All City elections are conducted by the Village of Clayton please visit the elections page for locations and upcoming election information.